Our Services (Private) Limited is a venture which provides several business services.We operate at United Kingdom as the parent branch and as well in Sri Lanka.Having started the business in 2014, as a Property Management and a Service Office with a range of services, has now established itself as an online store which sells ECO items world-wide enabling rural local products to enter mega markets which embraces the tourism sector.We at Bizservices define ourselves as an eclectic business with committed employees surrounded by a unique business vibe.

Message from the CEO​
MS. Ranga Perera Chief Executive Officer Pvt Ltd LLM (UK) PGD (UK) Solicitor (England & Wales) Attorney-At-Law (Sri Lanka

After spending over 7 years with Pvt Limited, I feel very privileged to be writing this message as the Chief Executive Officer. This is a special time in our company’s history as we celebrate our 07th anniversary. We began our journey February, 2014, and have spent the past 07 years continuing to build our brand, which has now become synonymous with our commitment to making happy our tenants by providing fully furnished serviced Apartments, Hotels, and Offices.

As a company, we have seen much change over the past 7 years. For example: We have developed our company’s net worth to triple its beginning and our workforce has embraced diversity and gender balance. We have become the first ever company in history to supply the first fully furnished serviced hotel in Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka.

We have expanded our presence in Digital Business such as online e-marking; we now have an online wedding portal where suppliers and users can easily obtain what they want within minutes.

Looking ahead, we are focused on accelerating the execution of our growth strategy while continuing to build on the strength of our brand—in providing excellence customer services and soon developing our second fully furnished serviced hotel in Yala Sri Lanka. I am incredibly excited about this journey and truly believe the best of Property and Digital Business is yet to come.

Our Vision

To envision a better perspective of our business every day and to differentiate and expand to the core, bringing excellence to the surface.

Our Mission

Use business to grow and inspire. Dedication is the cornerstone of our business. A cluster of potential workforce holds the business in hand reaching the business to go higher while enlivening.

Our Core Values


Driving technology for leading brands
Exclusive Weddings
Alliance Law Chambers
Biz Crafts UK
Biz Services UK
London Clothing Designer
Green Fleet UK
The Blue Lagoon Resort
Law Firm